Gravitation, consequence of a continuous relation between mass and time (15)

Dark energy and dark matter are superfluous.

As explained in posts 10 and 14, the so-called cosmological constant and the Big Bang theory are redundant and obsolete.
The microwave background radiation is not the afterglow of a never happened Big Bang, but radiation emitted by masses moving away from each other.

Gravitation is not the consequence of a curvature of space-time by the division of mass and energy in it (always resulting in a force of attraction), but the consequence of a continuous relation between mass and time, pulling in cases of time-delay and pushing in cases of time-acceleration. A body’s mass subjected to time-delay increases; a body’s mass subjected to time-acceleration decreases. Einstein did not take account of the difference between an endogenous process and an exogenous process, for instance the difference between the gravitational influence experienced while standing on earth (endogenous) and the pseudo gravitational influence experienced while standing in an elevator which is accelerating upwards through the use of an external source of energy (exogenous). I think that if Einstein had known that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, his ideas about the Equivalence Principle (the equivalence of gravitation, acceleration and inertia) would have been different and likewise also his General Theory of Relativity. Nevertheless his Equivalence Principle still holds, but for an other reason. Gravitation, acceleration and inertia are endogenously equivalent because in that capacity they share rhe same ”driver”: time. The consequence of the reason why gravitation and pseudo gravitation are not equivalent is that gravitation is related to mass and not related to energy and momentum like pseudo gravitation (see also post 9). This also means that Lorentz Transformation (particularly length contraction derived from it) does not apply to endogenous processes such as gravitation (see also post 12).

The total amount of mass in the universe does not only consist of the total amount of mass of the microwave background radiation (CMBR) and the total amount of mass of the galaxies and clusters and the total amount of mass of the energy radiated by the galaxies and clusters (other than CMBR), but also the still unaccounted for energy (other than CMBR) emitted by the masses moving away from each other in the process of accelerating expansion of the universe.

Because gravitation is the consequence of a continuous relation between mass and time, measuring gravitational effects must take account of the influence of gravitation on the course of time, changing for instance the speed of transmission of information (posts 2 and 12).

The accelerating expansion of the universe is not caused by a cosmological constant and/or elusive dark something, but simply by the gravitational effect of time-acceleration. It is accompanied by mass decrease and energy increase (post 10).

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